Creativity takes courage

Date: 14th September 2021

Creativity takes courage

How do people learn to let go of the certainties?

Many of us, when asked if we are creative, are immediately transported back to our childhoods and art classes at school. Often the response is “No, I’m not creative because I can’t draw”.

Over the last decade at Resonate Together there have been many hundreds of people tell me their story of embarrassment, upset and peer separation within their school art environment. Firstly, I am relived that teaching has come on a great deal since those days of ‘perfect’ art expectation placed on children. Secondly, how deeply devastating to be speaking with a 60+ gentleman who had wished throughout his life to be creative and that one painful childhood experience had been a barrier for all these years.

When being creative, we begin to learn that ‘perfect’ is a myth and that the joy of creativity is in the learning journey. The discoveries of pushing boundaries and the letting go of expectation. Creativity frees the mind and enables adults to play, to have fun and be silly… yes, being silly at our age, now isn’t that good for the soul!

Posted in: Resonate Blog