The 2nd program starts!

Date: 2nd October 2021

The 2nd program starts!

EVENT DATE: 02/10/2021 10:00 am

Following the success of the first program of our Potentia Collective, we are on the road again!

How does a person, who has social anxiety, begin the challenging steps forwards to connect or reconnect with others? It is a route that each of us can only do in our own way, for our differences, our past life experiences all come into play. The prospect of entering a room with many people within, of being face to face with others and the only options are to talk or to stay quiet, can be a huge barrier for many.

Creativity, art, making are all so often undervalued. In our years of experience, we have learned from our community, that using our hands has always been a trade here in Clackmannanshire. From the work in the coal mines, through to the textile mills, so much of our industrial past has been led by hands working. So coming to a new group of people, knowing that the focus will be on materials, on making things, on the processes involved, can enable so many to start their reconnection journey. Knowing the verbal communication is not the first aim, and that starting with materials can give an immediate talking point that is not self, well we know the deep meaningful benefits of art.

The Potentia Collective, funded by Inspiring Scotland, has made a difference to peoples lives trying to reconnect after covid – not because we say so, but because the community involved say so. Onwards!

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