‘Look Aboot Ye: Caring through COVID’ – Launch

Date: 15th January 2023

‘Look Aboot Ye: Caring through COVID’ – Launch

A wonderful launch event for locally based Artist, Karen Strang at the Lillie Art Gallery part of EDLC-Culture.

Great to meet up with Clackmannanshire Arts friends, Max Iantone from OneWeekendIn and Michelle Briggs, Resonate together BoardDirector and celebrate Karen Strang’s incredible work forming the exhibition ‘Look Aboot Ye: Caring through COVID’.

Excellent to see such strong support for community and the arts, by Provost Gillian Renwick East Dunbartonshire and Provost Donald Balsillie in Clackmannanshire.

So honoured that Resonate Together could sponsor the exhibition, with support from Greenspace Scotland as part of the COVID Memorial Project, ‘Remembering Together’.


Resonate Together

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