Launched March 2022 – Join Resonate Together
For the past decade, the Resonate Together community has been a beacon of hope in Alloa. Bonding over a shared vision of kindness, compassion, and healing, together we have touched countless lives, helped shape so many futures and seen each other through good times and bad. Resonate Togethers Membership Club is an opportunity to protect this incredible community legacy and spread the message of hope to more and more people in need of positive change, thriving connections and opportunities in their lives.
The Membership Club will help Resonate Together with the Community Activities we deliver led by community choice and for everyone’s benefit; and support the community buyout of the Carsebridge site, creating a community owned asset for all. Together our aim is to create more opportunities across our community, and to save this piece of local history and make it your new home, to share with other likeminded organisations and businesses. Read more about the community buyout here. By becoming a Member, you will help design the further of our charity.
The first space to be completed will be the Activity Lounge. This is an inspiring space where Members can meet, share, laugh, create – whatever you want! Designed for our Community, by our Members, the Activity Lounge will be the starting point for this fantastic project. As we grow the aim is for the lounge to be open to our community 6 days a week, from morning until evening, with a variety of activities and events taking place regularly for you to enjoy, be cozy and have an inspiring place to be.
The Membership Club costs only £1.00 a month, and is paid annually, at £12.00. When you sign up you will be invited to Member only events – which will include a range of presentation and talks from specialists on topics of interest, like the history of Carsebridge, through to summer garden parties and social gatherings. So why not sign up today?