The Gentle Jaunters Club

EVENT DATE: 27/04/2023 1:30 pm

Balance : Strength : Confidence

There are many reasons why we cease to feel confident in our mobility. It could be following surgery, or following a fall, or it could be a social anxiety that has kept us from being outdoors. Whatever your situation, the Gentle Jaunters Club is a kind and supportive session to encourage movement.

The one hour includes a session of deep breathing and relaxation; we do a range of seated strength exercises for all abilities; there are exercises carefully created to improve balance while standing and we also look at our own agility and how to help us feel confident about movement.

If you are struggling to move, feel completely fed up with your situation, then do come along to this gentle club. It is free to attend, however, you can make a donation towards the cost of the room.

This will be every week on a Thursday starting at 1.30pm and the first session will be the 27th April at the Carsebridge Cultural Campus.