EVENT DATE: 19/04/2023 12:30 pm
If we were to list the challenges that have people have faced over the last few years, well, I am not sure anyone would read to the bottom of the long list, exhaustion may take over half way through – it has been a very difficult time for each of us and our communities.
Each week here at the Carsebridge Cultural Campus, John K. leads the Meditation session for one hour starting at 12.30 each Wednesday.
Meditation produces a state of deep relaxation and a sense of balance, it can enable emotional stability, which helps maintain perspective when in a challenging situation. The practice of Meditation increases awareness of the present moment, reduces stress, promotes relaxation and enhances personal and spiritual growth.
People who meditate regularly have been shown to feel less anxiety and depression. They also report more enjoyment and appreciation of life and that their relationships with others are improved.
As mental wellbeing is the foundation of community, we offer this club for free to all who attend, and should you wish to make a donation towards the cost of the room, that is welcome.