EVENT DATE: 04/05/2023 6:00 pm
Conceptual Art in which the idea or the concept presented by the Artist is considered more important than its appearance or execution. It directly addresses the age old question, ‘what is art?’
Out of the many and varied art forms, conceptual art differs considerably from the main stream and can cause the most diverse responses. For example, and paving the way, Marcel Duchamp’s ‘Fountain’ in 1917 was a found object that caused outrage in some quarters at the time.
The process involved in creating a conceptual art work, is often not like others, it can start with creating a series of strategies and the art can look or be nearly anything the artist decides. Unlike other forms of art, it is not defined by physical forms, but rather the foundation of a concept that serves as the engine for creating art.
Confidence: It takes a great deal of developing your inner strength to create a conceptual art work – for it is not the ‘usual art’. The process of learning how to do this, of creating your art and of displaying in an exhibition, all builds confidence and courage.
Wellbeing: Listening to your true self, using your uniqueness to create your conceptual art work increases your wellbeing. For all ideas, art works and discussions are open in this club, all welcomed and considered – what better way to connect with other likeminded people and support each other.
Starting on Thursday 4th May at 6pm, this club will run weekly. The cost is £5 and some materials will be provided initially – with participants bringing materials, if required, as their works develop in which direction they choose.
This club is for all abilities as full support will be given, so everyone welcome. Working with participants, the aim of a Conceptual Art Exhibition later this year will be discussed. So come along and lets see where this journey take us.